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International Baccalaurette (IB) Diploma Programme (DP)

Digital Society (DS) Internal Assessment (IA)


Weighting and Marks

For SL students: 30% [24 marks]

For HL students: 20% [24 marks]

Word Count/ Duration

1,500 words

10 minutes


Inquiry Process Document

A: Inquiry focus [3 marks] (300 words)

B: Claims & Perspectives [6 marks] (1,200 words)

Multimedia Presentation

C: Analysis & Evaluation [6 marks] (6-8 min)

D: Conclusion [6 marks] (2-4 min)

E: Communication [3 marks]

Steps on how to do your Digital Society IA

For your International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) Internal Assessment (IA), you will be required to complete a project or investigation in a subject of your choice within the guidelines set by the IB. The IA aims to assess your understanding, application, and analysis of the subject matter. Here are some general steps to guide you through the process:


  1. Understand the requirements: Read the IA guidelines provided by your subject teacher or the IB. Familiarize yourself with the specific criteria, deadlines, and any specific instructions for your subject.

  2. Choose a topic: Select a topic that interests you and aligns with the subject you are working on. It should be specific enough to allow for in-depth analysis and investigation within the given time frame.

  3. Conduct research: Gather relevant information from various sources such as books, academic journals, reputable websites, or primary sources. Take detailed notes and ensure that you understand the key concepts and theories related to your topic.

  4. Develop a research question or hypothesis: Based on your research, formulate a clear and focused research question or hypothesis that will guide your investigation. 

  5. Plan your investigation: Outline the methodology and procedures you will use to gather data or evidence to support your research question. This could involve experiments, surveys, interviews, data analysis, or any other appropriate methods. Ensure your methods are valid, reliable, and ethical.

  6. Collect and analyze data: Implement your research plan and collect relevant data or evidence. Use appropriate tools and techniques to analyze and interpret your findings. Present your data in an organized and clear manner using tables, graphs, or other suitable formats.

  7. Draw conclusions: Based on your analysis, draw conclusions that directly address your research question or hypothesis. Evaluate the strengths and limitations of your investigation and discuss any potential sources of error or bias.

  8. Reflect on the process: Write a reflective statement that discusses your learning experience throughout the IA. Reflect on challenges faced, skills developed, and insights gained during the investigation.

  9. Format and document your IA: Follow the specific formatting guidelines provided by the IB for your subject. Include a title page, table of contents, introduction, main body, conclusion, and any necessary appendices. Properly cite all sources used in accordance with the appropriate citation style (e.g., MLA, APA).


Seek feedback and make revisions: Share your IA draft with your teacher or supervisor to receive feedback. Revise and refine your work based on their suggestions, ensuring that you address any areas of improvement.

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