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Digital Society Exam Paper 1 Tips for Success

Updated: Mar 28

This post will outline some key ideas about how you can prepare yourself for the IBDP DS Exam Paper 1 so you get TOP MARKS.

DigiSoc Tip One: You will need to be able to recall the seven CONTEXTS & seven CONCEPTS and you will need to be able to link to your own research (primary &/or secondary) or research you did in class AND you will need real-life examples associated with the seven CONTEXTS & seven CONCEPTS.

DigiSoc Tip Two: You must read each question carefully and more than once. Underline the key terms plus the command term (see below for a list of command terms) and be sure to respond to the question and don't go off track because for TOP MARKS - every aspect of every question must be addressed.

DigiSoc Tip Three: PAPER ONE IS IMPORTANT ---- SL = 52 marks (40%) & HL = 40 marks (35%).

DigiSoc Tip Four: For the 8-mark and 12-mark questions... your responses need to move from an ADEQUATE response to a FOCUSSED and IN-DEPTH response.

DigiSoc Tip Five: If an EXAMPLE is asked for - identify an example and explore it thoroughly and link to the question... don't just mention an example. Students often mention something important... but stop there. When you present a piece of information it needs to be developed, explored and linked to the question. When you are writing an answer imagine the reader is not very clever... So communicate clearly so anyone can understand your point, why you made this point and how it is clearly linked to the question. Also consider your reader lives in a different country... so if you use a local example (local for you) you should provide more information to allow the reader to fully understand where & when this example is from.

DigiSoc Tip Six: When you are required to SUPPORT - use a real-life example &/or a source from your primary &/or research. Support strengthens your point.

DigiSoc Tip Seven: Avoid big claims e.g. "AI has changed every business", "All teens use social media daily"... your writing style cannot be definitive because ACCURACY of ideas is an assessment criterion.

DigiSoc Tip Eight: Section A Part C [8 marks] & Section B [12 mark] questions need to be well-structured and effectively organized (see structure guide below). However, It should be recognized that, given time constraints, answers for Section A Part C [8 marks] are not "intended to reflect fully polished extended responses that address the full range of possible examples, issues and topics".

Digital Society Command Terms for Paper One Section A Part C [8 marks] (SL & HL) & Section B [12-marks] (HL)

AO3: Evaluation & Synthesis Definitions

  • Compare = Give an account of the similarities between two (or more) items or situations, referring to both (all) of them throughout.

  • Compare & Contrast = Give an account of similarities and differences between two (or more) items or situations, referring to both (all) of them throughout.

  • Contrast = Give an account of the differences between two (or more) items or situations, referring to both (all) of them throughout.

  • Discuss = Offer a considered and balanced review that includes a range of arguments, factors or hypotheses. Opinions or conclusions should be presented clearly and supported by appropriate evidence.

  • Examine = Consider an argument or concept in a way that uncovers the assumptions and interrelationships of the issue.

  • Evaluate = Make an appraisal by weighing up the strengths and limitations.

  • Justify = Give valid reasons or evidence to support an answer or conclusion.

  • Recommend = Present an advisable course of action with appropriate supporting evidence/reason in relation to a given situation, problem or issue.

  • To what extent = Consider the merits or otherwise of an argument or concept. Opinions and conclusions should be presented clearly and supported with appropriate evidence and sound arguments.

Digital Society Paper 1 Section A Part C [8 marks] (SL & HL) Structure of Your Response:

  1. Introduction -- rewrite key parts of the question (demonstrate you understand the demands of the question and your response if focussed) and identify the digital tech (demonstrate subject-specific digital tech knowledge)

  2. Real-life Example - identify, explore and weave in a real-world example (demonstrate you have researched/studied and the source is strong) and use this real-life example to address the command term and respond to the question

  3. Course Concept/Context - if the question wants you to reference one concept/context - clearly identify and link to the real-life example, address the command term and respond to the question

  4. Conclusion - This last section requires synthesis & analysis... link your real-life example, your research, the command term, the context/concept and RESPOND to the QUESTION.... plus the major theme of Digital Society is DIGITAL TECH and the IMPACTS and IMPLICATIONS on STAKEHOLDERS + EVALUATION & SYNTHESIS... so it would be wise to weave this into your conclusion.

Digital Society Paper 1 Section B [12-marks] (HL) Structure of Your Response:

  1. Introduction -- rewrite key parts of the question (demonstrate you understand the demands of the question and your response if focussed) and identify the digital tech (demonstrate subject-specific digital tech knowledge)

  2. Real-life Example - identify, explore and weave in a real-world example (demonstrate you have researched/studied and the source is strong) and use this real-life example to address the command term and respond to the question

  3. Course Concept/Context - if the question wants you to reference one concept/context - clearly identify and link to the real-life example, address the command term and respond to the question

  4. Counter-Claims - Discuss different perspectives and different claims and ANALYSE them. Suggested phrases to use: Addressing differing/opposing views; Stating the counterclaim; On the other hand; etc.

  5. Conclusion - This last section requires synthesis & analysis... link your real-life example, your research, the command term, the context/concept and RESPOND to the QUESTION.... plus the major theme of Digital Society is DIGITAL TECH and the IMPACTS and IMPLICATIONS on STAKEHOLDERS + EVALUATION & SYNTHESIS... so it would be wise to weave this into your conclusion.

Digital Society Paper 1 Markscheme for Section A Part C [8 marks] (SL & HL)

Marks for part c are allocated using markbands. While level descriptors are written in the form of individual bullet points, markbands are applied holistically using a best-fit approach.


  • The work does not reach a standard described by the descriptors


  • The response shows limited understanding of the demands of the question

  • There is limited relevant knowledge. The response is descriptive and consists mostly of unsupported generalizations

  • The response has limited organization or is only a list of items


  • The response shows some understanding of the demands of the question

  • Some relevant knowledge is demonstrated, but this is not always accurate and may not be used appropriately or effectively. The response moves beyond description to include some analysis, but this is not always sustained or effective

  • The response is partially organized


  • The response shows adequate understanding of the demands of the question

  • The response demonstrates adequate and effective analysis supported with relevant and accurate knowledge

  • The response is adequately organized


  • The response is focused and demonstrates an in-depth understanding of the demands of the question

  • The response demonstrates evaluation and synthesis that is effectively and consistently supported with relevant and accurate knowledge

  • The response is well-structured and effectively organized

Digital Society Paper 1 Markscheme for Section B [12-marks] (HL)

Marks for Section B are allocated using markbands. While level descriptors are written in the form of individual bullet points, markbands are applied holistically using a best-fit approach.


  • The work does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below


  • The response shows a limited understanding of the demands of the question

  • There is limited relevant knowledge. The response is descriptive and consists mostly of unsupported generalizations

  • Counter-claims are not considered or addressed

  • The response has limited organization


  • The response shows some understanding of the demands of the question

  • Some relevant knowledge demonstrated but this is not always accurate and may not be used appropriately or effectively. The response is primarily descriptive with some analysis, but this is not sustained

  • Counter-claims are only partially addressed

  • The response is partially organized


  • The response shows adequate understanding of the demands of the question

  • Response demonstrates adequate and effective analysis supported with relevant and accurate knowledge

  • Counter-claims are adequately addressed

  • The response is adequately organized


  • The response is focused and shows an in-depth understanding of the demands of the question

  • Response demonstrates evaluation and synthesis that is effectively and consistently supported with relevant and accurate knowledge

  • Counter-claims are effectively addressed in the response

  • The response is well-structured and effectively organized

Paper 1 Section A Part C [8 marks] (SL & HL) Practice Questions:

  1. With reference to a real-world example you have studied and one course concept, compare and contrast various ways to experience art and entertainment, such as online galleries and exhibitions, streaming platforms (4.1a).

  2.  With reference to a real-world example you have studied and the course concept POWER,  discuss the impacts online forums, internet celebrities and influencers may have on teenagers (4.1a).

  3.  With reference to a real-world example you have studied and one course concept, examine the issue of online gambling addiction &/or gaming addiction (4.1b).

  4. With reference to a real-world example you have studied and one course concept, to what extend do online review and rating systems in the tourism industry impact various stakeholders ( 4.1b)

  5. With reference to a real-world example you have studied and one course concept, justify the decision by Ministry of Culture (Thailand) to invest more funding to the digital expression and preservation of cultural heritage, customs and celebrations (4.1c).

  6. With reference to a real-world example you have studied and one course concept, evaluate a school's decision to block students from accessing all online communities and forums (41.d).

  7. With reference to a real-world example you have studied and one course concept, discuss the notion of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and how businesses can promote diversity and inclusion in their practices regarding the use of digital technology (4.2a).

  8. With reference to a real-world example you have studied and one course concept, compare and contrast the benefits and drawbacks of traditional office work, remote working, and digital nomadism for both employees and employers (4.2b).

  9. With reference to a real-world example you have studied and one course concept, discuss the potential benefits and challenges associated with working in the gig economy (4.2b).

  10. With reference to a real-world example you have studied and one course concept, to what extent does automation impact the job market (4.2b)?

  11. With reference to a real-world example you have studied and one course concept, discuss the advantages and disadvantages of online marketplaces like Amazon or eBay for both sellers and buyers (4.2c).

  12. With reference to a real-world example you have studied and the course concept VALUES & ETHICS, discuss the ethical considerations of using personal data for targeted marketing (4.2c).

  13. With reference to a real-world example you have studied and one course concept, discuss the potential benefits and risks associated with using cryptocurrencies (4.2c).

  14. With reference to a real-world example you have studied and one course concept, to what extent is additive manufacturing (3D printing) changing the way products are made? (4.2c)

  15.  With reference to a real-world example you have studied and one course concept, examine the notion of  the concept of "borderless selling" and how businesses can use technology and international trade agreements to sell their products globally (4.2D).

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