(1) Focus (introduction)
Explore the question (command term, technology and stakeholders)
Make connections with Digital Society Content, Concept and Context
Define/Explain key digital tech words/tools (demonstrate your depth of knowledge)
Address the COMMAND TERM - (e.g. “in this response, I will (insert command term definition)”
Link to real-world examples &/or recent news
(2) Explore:
identify and explain key research (Primary and Secondary (CRAAP))
(3) Investigate:
Identify impacts and Implications on people and communities
Identify and investigate various perspectives
Address COUNTER-CLAIMS (Paper 1 Section B (HL))
Make RECOMMENDATIONS & investigate TRADE-OFFs (Paper 3 Question 4 (HL))
(4) Reflect (conclusion)
Identify emerging trends (short-term futures)
Identify future developments (longer-term futures)
Provide further insights
Return to the initial question and respond
Above image outlines the Digital Society Inquiry Stages
Assessment Markbands to address:
Paper 1 Markscheme for Part C (SL & HL) 7–8
The response is focused and demonstrates an in-depth understanding of the demands of the question
The response demonstrates evaluation and synthesis that is effectively and consistently supported with relevant and accurate knowledge
The response is well-structured and effectively organized
Paper 2 Markscheme for Question 4 (SL & HL) 10-12
The response is focused and shows an in-depth understanding of the demands of the question
Relevant and accurate knowledge is demonstrated throughout, adding insight to the response
There is consistent and effective integration of evidence from the sources
The response is well-structured and effectively organized
Paper 1 Markscheme for Section B (HL)10–12
The response is focused and shows an in-depth understanding of the demands of the question
Response demonstrates evaluation and synthesis that is effectively and consistently supported with relevant and accurate knowledge
Counter-claims are effectively addressed in the response
The response is well-structured and effectively organized
Paper 3 Markscheme for Question 4 (HL) 10-12
The response is focused and shows an in-depth understanding of the demands of the question
Response is well-supported throughout with relevant and accurate knowledge
Recommendations are presented and well-supported with a clear consideration of possible trade-offs and implications
The response is well-structured and effectively organized