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Digital Society IA Multimedia Presentation Guide

Digital Society Internal Assessment

Digital Society Standard Level (SL) Assessment Outline

External Assessment TOTAL = 2 hours 45 minutes examination (70% )

Paper 1 = 1 hour 30 minutes (40%)

Paper 2 = 1 hour 15 minutes (30%)

Internal Assessment TOTAL = 30 hours Inquiry Project (30%)

1,500 words + 10-minute multimedia presentation

Digital Society Higher Level (HL) Assessment Outline

External Assessment TOTAL = 4 hours 45 minutes examination (80%)

Paper 1 = 2 hours 15 minutes (35%)

Paper 2 = 1 hour 15 minutes (20%)

Paper 3 = 1 hour 15 minutes (25%)

Internal Assessment TOTAL = 30 hours Inquiry Project (20%)

1, 500 words + 10-minute multimedia presentation

Digital Society Internal Assessment (SL & HL)

Project element: Inquiry process document

Criterion A: Inquiry focus (3 marks)

Criterion B: Claims and perspectives (6 marks)

Digital Society Project Element: Presentation

IA Presentation Specifications:

  • A recorded multimedia presentation that conveys the inquiry’s analysis, evaluation and conclusions

  • Does not exceed 10 minutes

  • Submit as one file

  • Include a combination of modes and media (text, still and moving images as well as sound)

Criterion C: Analysis and evaluation (6 marks)

Criterion D: Conclusion (6 marks)

Criterion E: Communication (3 marks)

Your Digital Society IA Inquiry Project’s Stages

  1. Focus - Developing and refining the inquiry focus (Criterion A)

  2. Explore - Working with diverse and relevant sources (Criterion B)

  3. Investigate - Addressing impacts and implications for people and communities (Criterion C):

    • Presentation: Analysis and evaluation - The student’s own sustained and well-supported analysis and evaluation of impacts and implications of the digital systems for people and communities.

    • Analysis and evaluation - The student’s analysis and evaluation of impacts and implications for people and communities is effective, sustained and well supported by evidence.

  4. Reflect - Considering emerging trends, future developments and further insights (Criterion D):

    • Presentation: Conclusion - Further insight reflecting the student’s new understanding and ideas about their inquiry focus following their analysis and evaluation, together with a discussion of emerging trends and future developments.

    • Conclusion - The conclusion provides effective and

    • well-supported further insight into the inquiry focus with a thorough and substantiated discussion of emerging trends and future developments.

  5. Share - Communicating discoveries to others. (Criterion E):

    • Presentation Structure - The presentation must organize ideas and evidence in a logical manner that supports understanding and demonstrates a coherent use of media.

    • E: Communication - Communication is effective and the presentation is well organized and coherently uses media to support understanding.

Strategy For Your Digital Society IA Inquiry Project: Build With The Criteria In Mind

First, access the project criteria and this criterion shapes the project planning, drafting and refinement. Keep the assessment criteria at the forefront of your Digital Society IA Inquiry project work.

Criterion C: Analysis and evaluation (6 marks)

The balance of the presentation consists of the student’s own sustained and well-supported analysis and evaluation of the impacts and implications of the digital systems for people and communities.

Marks ~ Description


  • The work does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below


  • There is limited analysis and evaluation which is primarily descriptive in nature or of limited relevance to the inquiry focus


  • The student’s analysis and evaluation of impacts and implications for people and communities is adequate, but this is not always sustained or well-supported


  • The student’s analysis and evaluation of impacts and implications for people and communities is effective, sustained and well-supported by evidence

Criterion D: Conclusion (6 marks)

Project element: Presentation

The presentation concludes by providing further insight reflecting the student’s new understanding and ideas about their inquiry focus following analysis and evaluation and a discussion of emerging trends and future developments.

Marks Description


  • The work does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below


  • The conclusion is limited with little further insight into the inquiry focus. Emerging trends and future developments are referenced with limited or no discussion


  • The conclusion provides adequate further insight into the inquiry focus with a partial discussion of emerging trends and future developments


  • The conclusion provides effective and well-supported further insight into the inquiry focus with a thorough and substantiated discussion of emerging trends and future developments

Criterion E: Communication (3 marks)

Project element: Presentation

The presentation supports understandings through organization of ideas and evidence and also a coherent use of media.

Marks ~ Description


  • The work does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below


  • Communication is limited

  • The presentation’s organization and use of media are limited and do not support understanding


  • Communication is adequate

  • The presentation is adequately organized and the use of media is at times coherent but this is not sustained or only partially effective in supporting understanding


  • Communication is effective

  • The presentation is well-organized and coherently uses media to support understanding

Digital Society IA Presentation Content


  • Start with something that piques the audience's interest (question, facts, quotes, interesting statistic… a hook).

  • Then state your inquiry focus and briefly outline its significance for digital society.

  • Your introduction must include the same inquiry focus provided in your inquiry document.

  • An effective introduction will make your presentation clearer and more engaging for your audience (students, teachers, moderators and examiners).

Analysis and Evaluation (Criterion C)

  • Communicate your sustained and well-supported analysis and evaluation of the impacts and implications of digital systems for people and communities.

  • Be sure to communicate and demonstrate your own thinking as supported by evidence.

  • Be sure to move beyond simple descriptions - this can be achieved by making your content original, effective, sustained and well-supported.

  • Analyse = Break down in order to bring out the essential elements or structure.

  • Evaluate = Make an appraisal by weighing up the strengths and limitations.

  • Do not merely repeat the ideas, analysis and evaluation of others, but rather demonstrate your own thinking and ideas (supported by evidence)

  • Your analysis and evaluation need to be well-reasoned and convincing

  • Your analysis and evaluation needs to address the issues raised by the focus in a persuasive and compelling manner

  • Your presentation needs to demonstrate sustained analysis and evaluation that is thorough and threaded throughout

  • Your analysis and evaluation has to be supported with accurate and relevant information as well as evidence from multiple perspectives

Conclusion (Criterion D)

Provide further insight reflecting your new understanding and ideas about their inquiry focus following their analysis and evaluation. Provide a discussion of emerging trends and future developments. Be sure that your insights are well-supported and relevant to the preceding analysis and evaluation.

During your inquiry there should have been moments when you discovered something unexpected and new. Therefore, In your conclusion, draw attention to this natural evolution in your thinking and your research journey by briefly revisiting the inquiry focus in light of new and changed understanding. Do not simply re-state your inquiry focus, but rather in your conclusion offer an authentic opportunity to probe, challenge and expand upon your original assumptions. In your conclusion be sure to respond to new discoveries as well as foreground aspects that surprised you.

Your conclusion also offers an opportunity to forecast what might happen next. Therefore, extend your analysis and evaluation, and consider emerging trends and future developments relevant to your inquiry focus. This forward-looking discussion cannot address all possible, probable or desired futures, but rather consider indicating well-substantiated areas of importance in the immediate and/or long-term future. Your conclusion needs to provide effective and well-supported insight into the starting focus.

Digital Society IA Presentation Communication (E)

Be sure that your presentation is well-structured and effectively organized. Your Digital Society IA presentation must demonstrate your ability to organize ideas and evidence in a logical manner that supports understanding.

Your Digital Society IA presentation must demonstrate a coherent use of media. Be sure to use visuals, text and/or sound carefully and combine them so that they support understanding.

Your Digital Society IA presentation must contain an audible recorded commentary in the student’s voice throughout the presentation. Alternatively, text-to-speech tools may also be used for the recorded commentary as long as the text is your own work.

Your Digital Society IA presentation must demonstrate effective use of sound recording (i.e. consider pacing, pauses, pronunciation, clear and without background noises and consistent volume level and essentially it needs to be entirely audible).

Your Digital Society IA presentation must demonstrate skilful use of visuals (i.e. use quality images, videos and text) and the images should directly match the commentary. You may want to consider using subtitles if this will help facilitate understanding.

Tips on how to Share: Creating an engaging presentation

  • Communicate effectively

  • Effective and confident communication results in a compelling synthesis of purpose, organization and coherence

  • Be clear about the purpose of your presentation (to inform, explain or persuade)

  • Be sure that your presentation is well organsied - the ideas and evidence through thoughtful arrangement, signposting and ordering

  • Be sure to use and integrate media in a way that is engaging to for your target audience

  • Student examples that accompany the course indicate some approaches to the presentation element, but they are not definitive or required templates. An example checklist for presentation and communication is provided as follows.

  • Be sure that you use media coherently

  • Your visuals, text and/or audio need to be carefully used and combined

  • Your presentation should contain a recorded commentary in your own voice throughout the

  • Your audio needs to support understanding and use normal speed and standard editing techniques

  • Your IA presentation needs to have visually appropriate material

  • The visual materials needs to support understanding and all text legible when viewed on screen

Create Your Multimedia Plan

IA Inquiry Tips for Your Multimedia Presentation

  • Explain key terms - pretend the audience doesn’t know your topic (e.g. before you talk about ChapGPT, give a quick explanation “ChatGPT is _____)

  • Balanced research is needed - talk about the positive and negative views (e.g. social media has had a positive impact on society by XXX, ZZZ and YYY, however, there have been some negative impacts like aaa, but the positives outweigh because bbbb; or But on the other hand…; Negative, positive and then go back to the negative because negative is my main point)

  • Good researchers drop key facts every now and then and identify sources

  • Overall take the audience on a journey and move from topic to topic in a logical way

  • Explaining key concepts - don’t assume the audience knows everything

  • Make each new topic clear - perhaps introduce new topic with a question (e.g. “did you ever wonder about xxx?) or a title screen

  • Give quote statistics on fun fact as a piece of information & cite the source

  • An effective presentation style is to ask a question… then give the answer (e.g. “How often do you go on social media? According to Nottingham University on average people check their phone 85 times, perhaps you are even checking on your phone right now. (30 seconds) Try checking on your phone screen time” According to ___, )

  • (45 seconds)

  • One approach is to consider doing a deep dive into a topic - but remember to communicate information clearly like the audience doesn’t know much about this topic

  • Be sure to spend some to explaining each piece of research (e.g. a 2020 study of 15-20 year old Canadian Instagram users into xxxxx by zzzz discovered that zzzzzz”)

  • In your conclusion revisit ideas and your initial research focus

  • Explain the primary research: according to the interview with …; according to the survey sent out to 200 people

  • Use phrases from the digital society guidebook (e.g. impacts on society, unintended impacts, disruptions, digital divide, etc.)

  • For each topic/point changes, matching with the Next slide

  • Provide context to each key piece of research (place, date & time) because technology rapidly changes - so your point needs to be framed and tech use in one country may be very different to tech use in a nother country

  • When presenting balanced research (negatives and positives) consider some statement that makes if clear that the benefits outweighs the negatives (or vice vera)

  • Visuals should act as headings, sub headings, labels and sign-posts (e,g. Conclusions, Introduction, Inquiry focus, etc.)

  • Conclusion is a great place for some recommendations, future issues to address and return to your inquiry focus and revisit your key themes

  • Be sure to take advantage of available and useful media and modes

  • Analysis & Evaluation needs evidence of a combination of both primary and secondary research

  • Be sure to use the phrase & address “impacts of (your tech focus) for people & communities”

  • Your chosen topic should be recent and somewhat unique

  • Be sure to conduct significant primary research, analyse it and present your findings

  • Include primary research (perhaps a short segment of video of an interview you conducted or a quote spoken by an expert you interviewed)

  • Included evidence of quantitative and quantitative research (in depth interview & survey results or observations)

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