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Digital Society Paper Three: A Guide For HL Students

Updated: Apr 1

IB DP Digital Society Paper 3 Exam Questions & Answers 2024 (practice test)

Question 1a | IB DigiSoc HL

Identify two ways a medical practitioner working at the proposed “Digitally supported community health hub” (Intervention 1) might share medical information through online health records with doctors in a hospital in the nearest city. [2 marks]

Question 1b | IB DigiSoc HL

Explain why the proposed “Digital home care” (Intervention 2) may take time for people in rural/remote locations to be regularly used by a large number of people. [2 marks]

Question 2 | IB DigiSoc HL

Explain two ways in which the proposed “Digitally supported community health hub” (Intervention 1) might mitigate the challenge of local and global inequalities. [6 marks]

Question 3 | IB DigiSoc HL

Evaluate the potential effectiveness of the proposed “Digital home care” (Intervention 2) in terms of equity and acceptability. [8 marks]

Question 4 | IB DigiSoc HL

4) Governments, organizations and private companies are considering a range of digital interventions to address the challenge of Global well-being and local and global inequalities. With reference to the proposed interventions (Intervention 1: Digitally supported community health hub and Intervention 2: Digital home care) and your own inquiries, recommend a digital intervention that would most effectively address the challenge of global well-being and local and global inequalities, in particular, the challenges outlined in the “Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) report Delivering Quality Education and Health Care to All: Preparing Regions for Demographic Change”. [12 marks]

Response 1a | IB Digital Society Paper Three

  • This is a DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY question - you need to demonstrate your knowledge of digital tech in this scenario

  • cloud computing

  • Email

  • Encrypted message

  • Teleconferencing 

  • Secure Messaging

  • data sharing 

  • Telehealth platforms - to facilitate virtual consultations between doctors at the hub and hospital, enabling real-time information sharing during patient care

Response 1b | IB Digital Society Paper Three

  • This question now shifts to how people interact with new DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY - you need to demonstrate your knowledge of the issues concerning how/why/when people use tech

  • Training issues - people don’t know how to use the technology

  • Connectivity issues in rural areas

  • Acceptability

  • Costs

  • Privacy concerns

  • You can discuss, based on your research, regarding the elderly and their reluctance to embrace NEW, moreover, NEW TECH

  • Based on your research, trust of doctors/gov/tech compared to traditional healers/medicines

Response 2 | IB Digital Society Paper Three

  • In this question, the focus shifts to CHALLENGE(S) and INTERVENTIONS. You need to demonstrate you have an understanding of the OECD reports and that you can identify specific challenges and place these challenges in a specific setting (e.g. rural Thailand or rural Australia or rural USA, etc.). Then you need to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of the DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY involved in the proposed INTERVENTION. Then you need to link the CHALLENGE and how the TECH INTERVENTION will address the specific challenge(s).

  • You need to use the Digital Society Interventions… IDENTIFY: which of the following:

    • Mitigates ~ The intervention mitigates or reduces negative aspects relevant to a challenge.

    • Intercedes ~ The intervention intercedes to change a process and/or trend contributing to negative aspects relevant to the challenge.

    • Enhances ~ The intervention enhances positive or effective aspects relevant to a challenge.

    • Resolves ~ The intervention resolves negative aspects relevant to a challenge.

Response 3 | IB Digital Society Paper Three

  • In this question, your focus shifts to EVALUATION of the proposed intervention and you need to demonstrate that you have conducted research can evaluate through the Digital Society lenses. Specifically these lenses:

    • Equity:

    • Does the intervention equitably address the needs, claims and interests of specific people and/or communities affected by the challenge?

    • This may involve, for example, considerations of fairness, inclusion and reciprocity.

    • What are the recommended steps to address inequities?

    • How could the intervention be made more equitable for more people?

    • Acceptability:

    • Do specific affected people and/or communities view the intervention as acceptable?

    • This may involve, for example, considerations of accountability and transparency for people and communities.

    • What are the recommended steps to address the acceptability of the intervention for the affected people and/or communities in question?

    • How could the intervention be made more accountable and transparent?

    • Cost:

    • What are the financial, social, cultural and environmental costs associated with the intervention?

    • Do these costs outweigh the benefits of the intervention?

    • What are the recommended steps to address costs to ensure a better balance with the benefits of the intervention?

    • Feasibility:

    • Is the intervention technically, socially and politically feasible?

    • What are some of the current or emerging barriers to implementing the intervention?

    • What are the recommended steps to address some of these barriers?

    • Innovation:

    • Is the intervention innovative in its approach or has this approach been unsuccessfully attempted before?

    • What type of innovation is the intervention? For instance, an incremental, sustaining and/or disruptive innovation?

    • What are the recommended steps to adapt or refine the intervention to avoid risks, failures or limitations?

    • Ethics:

    • Is the intervention ethically sound?

    • How and who determines the ethical status of the intervention?

    • What are the recommended steps to ensure that the intervention is developed and/or used in an ethical manner?

  • "Evaluation" is a broad term, so its specific meaning depends on the context. Understanding the purpose, criteria, and methods used in an evaluation. Evaluating something generally means determining its worth, merit, or significance. This involves a systematic assessment based on defined criteria or standards. It's like judging something, but usually with a more objective and analytical approach and these are the key aspects:

    • Evaluators gather data (quantitative or qualitative): through various methods like observation, tests, surveys, or interviews.

    • Criteria-based: The assessment uses pre-established criteria or standards to guide judgment.

    • Judgment & Interpretation: Based on the data and criteria, evaluators make judgments and interpret the meaning of the information.

    • Goal-oriented: Evaluations serve different purposes, such as informing decisions, improving something, or demonstrating effectiveness.

  • Simply - you may use the S & W from SWOT = Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. 

    • Strengths: These are internal, positive attributes that give you an advantage. They could be unique skills, resources, processes, or reputation.

    • Weaknesses: These are internal limitations or disadvantages that hinder your progress. They could be lack of resources, outdated technologies, insufficient skills, or internal conflicts.

  • Bonus points if you link to — 5.3 Sustainable Development; Sustainable development is a significant challenge in digital society. Sustainable development intersects in important ways with many digital systems. (5.3B Responsible use of resources: Responsible consumption, production and distribution of products and services & Designing for responsible use of shared infrastructures and resources, for example, energy, transportation and built spaces

  • This is the ASSESSMENT criteria for this question: to get 7–8:

    • The response is focused and shows an in-depth understanding of the demands of the question.

    • Response demonstrates sustained evaluation that is relevant and well-supported throughout.

    • The response is well-structured and effectively organized.

Response 4 | IB Digital Society Paper Three

  • This question now shifts attention to YOUR intervention and you need to demonstrate that you have an understanding and can apply the Digital Society STEP-by-STEP guide in your response.

  • STAGE ONE: Create an extended inquiry focus. What is the specific challenge you are focusing on from the OECD report and where is your solution situated and why (e.g. rural China - ageing population and problem accessing medicine… based on research)

  • STAGE TWO: Explore and investigate challenges. Address - the relationship between DIGITAL SYSTEMS and this challenge. Identify course concepts, content and contexts. Explain how this challenge manifests itself at LOCAL AND GLOBAL LEVELS. Identify STAKEHOLDER - Who are the specific people and communities affected by this challenge? What are some IMPACTS AND IMPLICATIONS related to this challenge? This is RESEARCH BASED!!!

  • STAGE THREE: Identify intervention. Explain your DIGITAL  intervention. Justify your intervention. Also be sure to categorise your intervention (Mitigates, Intercedes, Enhances &/or Resolves)

  • STAGE FOUR: Evaluate your interventions and recommend steps for future action. Evaluate (Strengths and Weaknesses through these lenses:

    • Equity

    • Acceptability

    • Cost:

    • Feasibility

    • Innovation

    • Ethics

  • Assessment Criteria: for 10-12:

    • The response is focused and shows an in-depth understanding of the demands of the question

    • Response is well-supported throughout with relevant and accurate knowledge

    • Recommendations are presented and well-supported with a clear consideration of possible trade-offs and implications

    • The response is well-structured and effectively organized

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