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ITGS + Digital Society  IBDP

Digital Society Blog

Writer's picturelukewatsonteach


IB EXAMS... WHITE OUT vs CROSS OUT vs ERASE === white out is taboo.

The thing about crossing out is that if you cross out a word, examiners can still read it and if it happens to be the better word - they can see you were thinking but just changed your mind. So - don’t use white-out and don’t even use an eraser (unless absolutely necessary).

Why? Because those who are good at logic games don’t waste time or energy by turning their pencil around, erasing their mistake, cleaning up the page, etc. Rather, they quickly scratch off their mistakes and get right back to it. Controlled aggression is the way to when sitting IB EXAMS.

We don’t need no stinking white-out! You are not allowed to use correction fluid, correction tape, or erasable pen during any part of your IB exams. Be aware that your answer papers may be scanned by a computer - to allow online marking by examiners and correction fluid or tape can cause issues when scanning. The use of erasable pen during writing examinations often leaves smudges, making papers harder to read. If you make a mistake during the written parts of your International Baccalaureate exam, please just strike through the work that you do not want us to mark. As long as the rest of your answer can be read, you will not be penalised for this.

Conclusion - just cross it out and rewrite whatever you need to rewrite. You can always ask for more paper if you need it, there are no restrictions on how much paper you use. You are not allowed to use white out. Cross out any mistakes with a line. The examiner is not supposed to award/take away marks for anything that has been crossed out. If you don't want to say something just scribble it out. You're not marked on presentation unless it's illegible, so it's much faster to stick a line through.

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